

You have completed the Core2 for AWS hands-on tutorial for running Alexa for AWS IoT (AFI) using the custom ported Espressif Voice Assistant SDK and Alexa to control on-board peripherals using Alexa Smart Home commands. For additional information about Smart Home for AVS, see the documentation or the following blog post .

If you would like to learn more about other interfaces available or come up with your own implementation using other features of the Core2 for AWS, take a look at ModeController and ToggleController . Use your creativity and what you’ve learned in the other chapters of this tutorial to explore new capabilities for voice!

This is the last tutorial currently available. We will be publishing more, but for now, you are able to build your own IoT solution with AWS services using the skills you have learned so far.

Clean up

In this solution you did not use any of your own resources in AWS. However, if you are done using the Alexa application, you can completely wipe your device’s flash memory (and remove the certificates from flash) by entering this command in the PlatformIO CLI terminal window:

pio run --environment core2foraws --target erase

Questions? Please use AWS re:Post

AWS IoT Kit now features direct access to AWS re:Post , which is a community-driven, questions-and-answers service. Search re:Post using the AWS IoT Kit tag to see if your question has been asked and answered. If not, ask a new question using the AWS IoT Kit tag.