Intro to Alexa for IoT

In this tutorial, you will implement Alexa Voice Service Integration for AWS IoT (AFI) on the M5Stack Core2 for AWS IoT Kit. You will learn how to use the Espressif Voice Assistant SDK (VA-SDK) and Alexa to control the onboard LED using Alexa Smart Home commands. This tutorial currently uses an AWS account provided by Espressif. This is a beta port of the Espressif VA-SDK for the Core2 for AWS.

This tutorial requires that you have:

  • The 5 Stack Core2 for AWS IoT Kit (Core2 for AWS)device.
  • An AWS account that is not running production workloads.
  • A user in your AWS account that is assigned to you and has administrator access.
  • Completed the Cloud Connected Blinky tutorial.
  • Confirmed which serial port the Core2 for AWS device uses.
  • Are comfortable with basic technical concepts and tools; such as, the command prompt or terminal window.

Questions? Please use AWS re:Post

AWS IoT Kit now features direct access to AWS re:Post , which is a community-driven, questions-and-answers service. Search re:Post using the AWS IoT Kit tag to see if your question has been asked and answered. If not, ask a new question using the AWS IoT Kit tag.